House GOP’s latest stunt, and a new beer that mocks Trump

A daily roundup of the best stories and cartoons by Daily Kos staff and contributors to keep you in the know.

House Speaker Mike Johnson sets off a new GOP civil war

Surprisingly, saying “Trump made me do it” doesn’t help.

Happy whatever, you losers and scum: 11 years of Trump’s holiday wishes

The man truly has a way with greetings and using the term “radical left.”

House Republican wants to have attorney general arrested just because

There are so many facts being misrepresented here.

Cartoon: Quacks like a dog

When it walks like a duck …

VP wannabes find new ways to suck up to Trump

And we thought they couldn’t sink any lower.

Good riddance! Corrupt New Jersey Democratic power broker George Norcross indicted

There is something fishy (and corrupt-y) going on in New Jersey.

The right wants us to sacrifice the planet for AI

Sure, the planet is burning, but let’s make sure we can power the robots taking over.

Biden’s making sure voters know Trump is a convicted criminal

It’s nice to hear Biden calling a spade a convicted spade.

Trump vows more tax cuts for the rich. Democrats have a different plan 

Because if there’s one thing billionaires need it’s more money.

Trump trashed their city. One brewery is making it a badge of honor 

Trump loves to insult, well, everything. Perhaps it’s not working as well as he thinks.

Click here to see more cartoons.

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via The Novum Times

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