Federal agents raid home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

FBI agents conducted a search of a home owned by Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao early Thursday, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Abraham Simmons, spokesperson for the department, did not say who the target of the search warrant was and declined to comment further.

The search of Thao’s home on Maiden Lane also includes officers from the IRS as well as the U.S. Postal Service. Neither agency could be immediately reached for comment.

Video footage from local news agencies showed agents carrying boxes and bags out of the house.

The search comes as Thao and Dist. Atty. Pamela Price are facing a recall election this November. The recall campaign is a response to increased crime and budgetary problems that have challenged city leaders.

Also Thursday, FBI agents searched a house on View Crest Court in the Oakland hills but authorities did not say if the two search warrants were connected.

Property records show that latter home is connected to Andy Duong, who also owns Cal Waste Solutions, which has been investigated over campaign contributions to Thao and other elected city officials, the Oaklandside reported.

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via The Novum Times

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