Six Russian ISIS terror suspects arrested in massive sting operation in three cities across the US

SIX suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS have been arrested across three different states in America as part of a huge sting operation.

The FBI worked with cops from Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia before the Russians were arrested over fears of a bomb plot.


The six arrested Russians had ties to ISIS – an Islamist extremist terror groupCredit: AFP or Licensors
An explosion erupts at the Boston Marathon, April 15, 2013


An explosion erupts at the Boston Marathon, April 15, 2013Credit: Reuters
ISIS-K killed around 140 people when they attacked a concert hall in Moscow in March


ISIS-K killed around 140 people when they attacked a concert hall in Moscow in March

FBI agents raised the alarm with ICE, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, prompting the impressive op which culminated last week.

Two ICE sources told The New York Post they nabbed the six Russian nationals, originally from Tajikistan, over fears of an attack like the Boston marathon bombing in 2013.

A wire-tap operation caught one of the suspects talking about bombs, they revealed.

One of the ICE insiders said: “Remember the Boston marathon [bombing]? I’m afraid something like that might happen again or worse.”

The same arrested man caught discussing bombs was let go by federal authorities at America’s southern border – with a court date set for 2025.

But it was later revealed that he in fact had ties to ISIS, the sources said.

In April, FBI director Chris Wray issued a warning to Americans over possible terrorist plots on US soil.

He said the group could try to exploit the same southern border and the country was at risk for a “coordinated attack”.

The intelligence boss told a US government House committee: “Our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home.

“But now, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russia concert hall a couple weeks ago.”

Wray had also expressed concerns with the US Senate about a human smuggling network at the southern border possibly tied to groups affiliated with ISIS.

It came after a horrific attack by ISIS-K – a deadly splinter group of the Islamic death cult – on a concert hall in Moscow.

Terrorists stormed the building, unleashing hellfire with machine guns and sparking a huge fire to stop survivors from getting out alive.

Around 140 people died in the ambush.

Who are ISIS-K?

By Ellie Doughty, Foreign News Reporter

Islamic State Khorasan (ISIS-K) emerged in eastern Afghanistan in late 2014 and quickly established a reputation for extreme brutality.

One of the most active regional affiliates of the Islamic State militant group, ISIS-K has seen its membership decline since peaking around 2018, with the Taliban and US forces inflicting heavy losses.

But it is feared that ISIS-K has been quietly recruiting and growing its numbers once more and is considered an ongoing threat by the US.

General Michael Kurilla, the commander of US Central Command, told Congress in March 2023 that ISIS-K was quickly developing the ability to conduct “external operations” in Europe and Asia.

The Moscow attack has seen Isis-K has take over from Chechen rebels as the perpetrators of the most serious attacks in Russia, including the bombing of the St Petersburg metro in 2017, which left 15 dead.

What attacks have they carried out?

ISIS-K has a history of attacks, including against mosques, inside and outside Afghanistan.

In September 2022, ISIS-K militants claimed responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing at the Russian embassy in Kabul.

The group was also responsible for an attack on Kabul’s international airport in 2021 that killed 13 US troops and scores of civilians during the chaotic US evacuation from the country.

Isis-K has been behind a series of smaller-scale plots, including an attempt earlier this month to attack a synagogue in the Kaluga region southwest of Moscow.

US embassies in Russia had warned before the attack on March 22 that an extremist plot against large gatherings was possible.

In the months since ISIS have issued repeated threats against major sports events including the Champions League and the upcoming 2024 Euros.

Europe and the US remain on alert as they watch out for possible attacks at the Paris Olympics, and elsewhere.

Only days ago a suspected Russian-Ukrainian terrorist was arrested in Paris after causing an explosion by the city’s biggest airport.

The 26-year-old set off a bomb made with “Mother of Satan” chemicals in a hotel room and faces a range of terrorism-related charges.

His improvised explosive was made with TATP – dubbed the “Mother of Satan” by terror groups ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

In Germany last week a police officer was killed after a lone knifeman attacked a far-right anti-Islam politician during a rally.

Although not confirmed as a terrorist attack, Germany’s federal prosecutor said they were taking over the investigation because of “clear indications” of an Islamist motive.

US Border Patrol police intervene with migrants crossing the border


US Border Patrol police intervene with migrants crossing the border
Medical workers aid injured people at the finish line of the Boston Marathon


Medical workers aid injured people at the finish line of the Boston MarathonCredit: AP

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via The Novum Times

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