June 11 primaries in Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, and South Carolina

Lets recap what has happened so far:

ME-02 (R): Republicans have chosen state Rep. Austin Theriault to face off against incumbent Democratic Rep. Jared Golden in Maine’s rural 2nd district, one of the few Trump-won Dem-held House districts.

ND-Gov (R): Republican Rep. Kelly Armstrong will be the Republican gubernatorial nominee in North Dakota, easily defeating Lt. Governor Tammy Miller, 70-30.

ND-AL (R): The AP has just called the primary to replace Armstrong for Julie Fedorchak, who defeats Rick Becker 46-29.

ND Ballot: A potentially momentous (if it finds its way before SCOTUS) ballot measure preventing congressional candidates over age 80 from taking office has passed. 

OH-06: The special election to fill this vacant, dark-red congressional seat in southeastern Ohio has predictably ended in a Republican win, for state Sen. Michael Rulli, although Democratic opponent Michael Kripchak put in yet another strong special election overperformance.

SC-01: In the Republican primary in the Charleston-era 1st district, unpredictable incumbent Nancy Mace won surprisingly easily over Catherine Templeton, 57-29, in a bit of a proxy battle between forces of Donald Trump and Kevin McCarthy. She will face off against Democrat Michael Moore in November.

SC-03 (R): The Republican primary in the dark-red, upstate 3rd district will move to a runoff between pastor Mark Burns and veteran Sheri Biggs.

SC-04 (R): Republican incumbent William Timmons appears to be holding on against a primary challenge from the right from Adam Morgan, still at 54-46.

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via The Novum Times

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